What is gangrenous cholecystitis?

One of the complications of the presence of gallstones is gangrenous cholecystitis. Gangrenous cholecystitis is defined as the death of the cells in the gallbladder wall due to the complete loss of blood supply to the gallbladder. This may happen because of extreme infection and inflation occluding the blood vessels that supply gallbladder. 

Delaying surgery if the presence of gallstones has been diagnosed, leucocytosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, obesity are some of the other factors that increase the risk of getting gangrenous cholecystitis. Data also says that men are more prone to gangrenous cholecystitis than women though cholecystitis or gallstone presence is detected more in women than men. Gangrenous cholecystitis has a higher mortality rate when compared to uncomplicated cholecystitis. So the better option always when you have been diagnosed with gallstones is to undergo gallbladder removal surgery or cholecystectomy. 

Fix an appointment with us by calling us at (91) 9952002927, and get treated for any gallbladder diseases by Dr Maran who does Gallbladder Removal Surgery in Chennai regularly. 

For More Information about Gallbladder Removal Surgery Chennai visit us at https://springfieldwellnesscentre.com/
Mail us at springfieldinfo@gmail.com


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